
Cuponerapp has a range of web pages and panel I created when I was the sole developer. It helped me to understand how a bussiness flow can be optimized with web technologies and a different range of technologies, since most of the solutions were developed in-house.

The web page is implement with native PHP code, as requested by the founder, it uses htaccess rules to handle pretty urls and redirect to correct file. It was updated to match functionality of our native apps for iOS and Android, allowing users to redeem coupons and buy tickets. SEO was key in this project and optimizations were made to the web page, ranging from minification to image optimization with Imagemagick.

The admin panel was created from zero, with users and permission system implemented in native PHP. Besides allowing basic CRUD operations it displays:

In Cuponerapp I also perform devops functions, implementing security measures and automated deployment. Anti-fraud filters made with machine learning are about to be send to productions server.

Source: No public repository exists.